Thursday 27 April 2017

We Asked 12 Men To Style Hawaiian Shirts And This Is What Happened

We Asked 12 Men To Style Hawaiian Shirts And This Is What Happened

Hawaiian shirts are totally ~cool for the summer~. They're light, colorful, and an easy way for any guy to incorporate fun prints into his wardrobe. To highlight their greatness, we asked 12 New York-based fashion gurus to show us how they style a Hawaiian. They prove Hawaiian shirts are so much more than your dad's vacation staple.

“Hawaiian shirts were first made with the excess fabric from women’s muumuus. In Hawaii the shirts are formalwear; people will wear them to work in place of a suit. They're the reason we have 'Casual Friday.' The shirts are about embracing patterns in general, and come in everything from postcard to automobile prints—or in this case, Star Wars.
The inspiration for my look was Leonardo DiCaprio in Romeo and Juliet. I'm imagining him on a Verona beach writing in his diary smoking a cigarette..."

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